I've been writing a lot lately.   

Not on my stories -- what I should be writing. No, I've been doing the writing exercises in this book I got at my library.  It's been a lot of fun so far, which surprises me a bit, because usually I don't really enjoy any of the exercises in writing books.

This one is different though. It's written in a way that is very similar to the Young Adult books that I read constantly. Friendly, fast paced, not boring in the slightest.
It is written with chapters placed like "invitation, initiation", as it says in the contents. It has a essay, and then a little writing exercise using something that was discussed in the essay. And the essays don't read like essays. I read them, and it doesn't seem like I'm reading something that's supposed to be instructional. It reads like a  story.

Also, the author lives near where I do, more or less. I would love to meet her sometime, she is such a amazing writer.

The book is The Right To Write: An Invitation and Initiation into the Writing Life, by  Julia Cameron. I definitely recommend it.


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