Lots if crafts

Hey guys! So I have been very creative today. I filmed a YouTube video (which is on it's fifth hour of uploading -could it be any slower?).

I also made a box to put the hexipuffs I knit in! This is nice because then I can just toss them in, instead of figuring out where to put them all that I will remember.

I've also been trying to figure out something to make out of soda cans... So today I did a search, and found a few cool things. Such as this ashtray, which is so simple to make, even though I'm so against smoking that I don't know why I made it.... If you turn it around, it could be a flower though :)

I also made some earrings, my favorite being the small round ones with the little moon. On the other side it's green, so perfect for Saint Patricks day this Sunday! I also made some other earrings.....

This is a bit of a pic heavy piece, and I'm sorry that its all bunched together at the end, but that's what happens when I blog on my iPod. I'll see you tomorrow!!!


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